October 21, 2008

Max Von Sydow

YR: I don't know where to start you have given us so many great performances over the years. You wrote Ronald Harwood a letter for the script?
Max Von Sydow: Yes and I never done it before. I was taken by the script which doesn't happen very often. This was a precious script. When I first read script, I was taken by it immediately. It was a cameo but a cameo with a development, only two scenes. When I look for a part, I look for a good part but what is a good part? A good part is one with a development.

YR: In your career which spans more than 40 years, how do you think the films has changed?
MVS: In my personal opinion think that the more personal and intimate films disappear in favor of more special effects oriented ones. Films like this are rare.

YR: How was working with Julian?
MVS: I was set for a date to shoot but he called two weeks before to do a scene via phone for the actress. It was my first time acting via phone.

YR: That scene is the most powerful and profound scene in the film. If there's any justice, you should get an award for it not that you need any awards.
MVS: I never work for awards but if somebody wants to give me an award for something that's fine.

YR: I want you to be given an award for it.
MVS: Then I thank you.

[A special thanks and mention goes to Alvaro Montoya for the slew of pictures above!]

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